The November Sweatdown 2K24 is here, and it doesn’t really feel like November does it? Not that I’m complaining. I’m writing this in shorts.
I can’t remember which Christmas I got it, but I got an MP3 player. No longer would I have to burn MP3 CD’s for my discman...
The October Sweatdown 2K24 is here, and with it still warm during the day but cold at night? Get sweating for the spooky season.
The beginning of the 2000s was high school for me, which for a lot of people is the time their music taste freezes in time. For...
The September Sweatdown 2K24 is here, reminding you that summer is not yet over. Don’t let the chilly nights and mornings get to you!
When I was really young my parents took me to see Sharon, Lois, and Bram. If you look them up you will see them with an...
The August Sweatdown 2K24 is here, as the carousel of the summer still keeps going.
The July Sweatdown 2K24 is here, reminding you to enjoy your shadow. It’s the only thing cool about you in this heat.
The June Sweatdown 2K24 is here, over an hour of music new or nearly new as you start your summer right.
The May Sweatdown 2K24 is here, so get your base tan in May then Sweatdown to some great tracks.